Info on building these and the also idea comes from
This is how Todd, a valuable member of the WVBA. does it. These are his photos and description. Click to enlarge

I installed these on seven of my hives in the fall. I just checked and they still have loads of sugar left.
I used 10lb of sugar per board. I didn't add any pollen patties,
I also cut and press fit a piece of 1/2" insulation board into the top cover. I didn't worry about covering the hive bodies.
I feel that there are several advantages to these boards.
It is cheap insurance, as they didn't take long to build, and as Todd says above, anything left over can be mixed into syrup in the spring
Rain is a big factor here in the PNW., and the sugar absorbs moisture and the excess moisture is evacuated through the upper hole which also gives the bees a handy and close exit on suitable days. Last year I just dumped sugar on the inner cover, but I think this is easier on the bees as it is closer to the cluster and it also doesn't chill them as much when inspecting as they won't be up on the inner cover when the outer cover is removed. I can see the state of the candy board through the hole in the inner cover without removing it.
Winter inspections are quick and easy by simply lifting the cover quickly to see if there is still sugar. The state of the bees themselves can then be checked from outside the hive with the FLIR One which not only locates the cluster, but gives a pretty good idea about it's size.
Video proof of concept of the candy frames.
Look at the heat coming out of that small vent hole on the candy board frame below on top of the upper deep! (and moisture too of course)