Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March wildlife on the Farm

After  shooting these, I returned home to discover I had left my camera settings on the smallest size and least resolution settings and had forgotten to change them. A bit disappointing.

Western pond turtles sunning themselves

 Distant shot of the elk herd by the North pond

 3 photos stitched together of the herd. Elk from left to right. Kind of hard to see the elk.

Taking it easy & eating Budde's next hay crop

The spike on the right in the panorama above


  1. All those elk shots need are cross hairs :)

  2. I live in Angola and in twenty years I've seen less game than you have in these photos!

    I entered the Amazon link to help fund this meaningless blog and got a result that was really meaningless. I thought, 'why not help this guy fund his meaningless blog by clicking through to Amazon using his handy click through to Amazon widget. I fancy a kindle book anyway, I know! I'll enter the search terms 'Kindle Store' and 'Len Deighton'. Deighton does English spy novels about English spies (and some Russian and American ones too) and because he is English, he writes in English and uses English humour. Guess what the Amazon US search engine came back with? 'Fighting for Her: Underground Alpha Fighter Romance' by Jackie Smith. I didn't buy it. I think I'll do what everyone else does and buy my spies in England. I don't think English spies get paid as much as American spies. They certainly have smaller cars and less shiny suits.

    1. It really doesn't matter since the blog costs me nothing other than time.
      Strange though, I entered 'Len Deighton' in the Amazon search field (not through the blog which seems to have greyed out for me) & it has a long list of his books.
      Nice of you to stop by. I am an avid reader of your blog. I await your book!

  3. I'll trade you our snow for your grass.
